17 Replies
Yes and no. I think also in some expectations, we don't always know what our babies wants might be especially when being ill. When I was going through postnatal depression, my parents and hubby always asked what my baby wanted and I would nurse, checked diapers and nothing calmed her (later I realized my emotions were running high and she only was reacting to how I felt) and they kept asking to the point I literally broke down and said I didn't know and they said "but you are her mother, you should know"... And that comment broke me down so hard. I felt I should know because I am her mother. It was only when I cried to my husband all my feelings and thoughts that he realized his mistakes, my parents never did. He realized even though I worked at a paediatric nurse, I was still a first time mum and I still experienced things for the first time. He never asked me what she needed and we both made the effort to know what she wanted. Now both us know what our daughter wants, sometimes I know and sometimes he does. In a society where we say "mothers know best" or mums always know what their kids want" should be used not too easily. It just adds pressure to mums in a world where it takes so little to be considered a "shitty mum"
only till he entered his Terrible twos
not all the times
Yup mostly
very true