Eat spicy during pregnancy

My mother in law say i shouldnt eat too much spicy food during pregnancy as it will cause rash to the baby in the womb. Anyone has experienced it? I eat spicy keropok as snacks, sometimes i eat my meal with chili sauce in moderate. I feel (a bit of) spicy food is the only thing can keep my food down though before the pregnancy i didnt like spicy food at all🥹

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Hello Tania there are many tell tales like this for mommies to follow proper healthy diet during pregnancy, if we are simply told not to eat spicy food as it is not healthy and may cause digestion problems we will not care to follow. But if it is told that it might affect the baby in some way then we will strictly follow it as the mother in you will not let baby suffer in any way, that's why during pregnancy and even during confinement they say a lot of things by relating to the baby so that mommies will take it seriously. You can eat mild spicy food now and then should not be a problem. If the spice level is higher you might get digestion problems, generally as months pass by your digestion will be poor already and more chances of acid reflux etc so eating spicy food will give you more such problems. Hope it helps

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