More like a rant than a question. Today, I pulled my toddler from his sports day because he got uncomfortable with the crowd and he became fussy, complained that he is hungry and didn't want to join in any activity. I took him out and prepared to leave when he went crying and shouting that he wanted to stay. I took his hand and went away but he continued to shout and parents and kids were looking at me like I'm some kind of a monster mom. I took him to a cafe and he continued to shout. One mother with a kid there was looking at me like what a horrible thing I did making my kid cry like that. I'm not a perfect person. I might be a horrible mom. But if you give in to your kids' every whims, fancies and requests, what do you teach them about life? That they can get away with anything. I want to teach my kid about responsibility, about holding on to your word and that not fitting is okay. So the least thing I want is for other parents to judge me. Okay, just tired I guess from looking after 2 kids the whole day. I guess I just need a holiday :-)
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