When to start buying bb stuff?
hi moms and mons to be, just curious when did u start buying bb stuff exp, baby cot, stoller ,breast pumps etc? chinese pantang tat 1st and beginning of 2nd trim not to buy any bb stuff, wat about u? can share??

I started buying baby stuff early bcz i'd rather buy them at discounts or when there's good deals or promotions. There's like a very long list of baby stuff to buy so when u buy them early n slowly, u wont feel the bulk from ur pocket and it will be a relieved to know that you have had some things settled. And also shop when u r healthy and fit because you wont know how your condition would be like in the next few months n if u still would have the strength to shop!
Read moreI started buying toys, stroller, car seat and baby cot at 2nd trimester. Also some baby clothes after baby gender is confirmed after week 20. Maternity clothes, bras and panties as and when needed. For diapers, wet wipes, lotions and creams will only get around 1 month before EDD as will expire or dry up if buy too soon. Nursing bra and nursing pads will buy nearer EDD as size may change.
Read more24 weeks now and got mostly everything needed. Just left wet wipes, cotton balls and some other small items. Most of the stuff from recent mummy market pre order and the rest from hand me downs (clothes from friends and breast pumps from SIL). I doubt will be able to buy more esp during fairs when I reach 3rd trimester cos will be easily exhausted, plus need to prep washing and all.
Read moreI started buying baby stuff towards the end of 2nd trimester during the baby fair at expo. My mum is pantang and mentioned that can only start buying in 3rd trimester. However, I managed to persuade her that there are good deals during the baby fair and the fair only happens once every 3 months.
I only start buying those necessities when I'm 30 weeks. Breastpump I got haakaa first and when I'm in hospital confirm there's bm then I got Breastpump. Anw bm will only kick in 4 to 7 days after birth. Thing like stroller Diaper bag konny I got it when baby out.
Read moreI’m week 14 and just bought breast pump and cloth diapers at baby fair yesterday. Much cheaper than retail store or departmental store. And the shopping list is too long. Im going to buy bit by bit every time got baby fair or good deals.
Can start looking at baby things and decide what u wanna get. It takes awhile for me to do research and see what I wanna buy. Its also abit exp to get everything at one go.. So better to get at different time and stages.
Well post, But I will not go deep on this. because I only use https://productz.com/en/babybjorn-mini/p/EEYEX product. It's very useful for me.
I started buying from 2nd trimester onwards, as and when i see got promo then i stock up first. This makes the list easier at the later stage
Towards the endof 2nd trimester, when I feel my tummy is expanding quickly and will not have energy to buy for baby stuff if later.