
Hi mommys, have any1 out here are being pregnant while being far from family and husband? I'm 8 weeks pregnant and I'm alone due to work reasons n most probably will be alone throughout my pregnancy except certain weekends where my husband n family promised to visit. How do u guys cope with the loneliness during pregnancy? Since I'm new to this place, I do not have friends as well. N there r only 2 people working in my work station, which is quite rural. The loneliness is affecting my emotion deeply n often find myself crying.#advicepls #firstbaby #pregnancy #1stimemom #mommybuntu #tiadapengalaman

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hampir sama situasi kita..sy pn pjj dgn suami..jauh dr suami & family sjk awal pregnancy... & now dh hjg2 nk bersalin ni..kena admit lak kt hspital dr 34w hr tu sampai la 38w nti..sebab uri kt bawah..suami keja,weekend je dpt dtg..dah la pelawat pn sgt limit masa utk masuk mlawat..lonely sgt rs..dr awal mngandung sampai nk bersalin bwk perut sorg2 je rs..selalu pujuk hati xnak sedih2..tapi tu la..emosi susah nak kawal.. 😞😞😞

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3y ago

keep going strong mummy! I hope u have safely delivered ur baby and happy with ur little bundle of joy ❤

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hey dont be sad..u have urs friend right now..its yours baby bump. if u want someone to talk with u. u can do its with urs baby bump..cuz im using its while im alone..dont think to much..just think u work for u and urs family..u can do its..find a good vibes around u althoung in media...u know..u're strong mom..take care yahh♥️

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hampir sama.. tpi jngn risau awak dh ada kawan baru, yg sentiasa bersama awak iaitu baby dlm kandungan tu😊.. bawalah dia berbicara pasti dia suka.. jngn stress tau, jngn merasa sunyi dia sentiasa ada utk awak.. senyum😊. semoga dipermudahkan segala urusan.

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the hormone conquer the emotions especially during pregnancy. just keep in touch with them everyday and share your pregnancy ups and downs with them. don't let the loneliness fill in because the baby might feel so. do anything as you happy,so does the baby.

VIP Member

Hi sis if you’re lonely just post it here and we all going to cheer you up okey. Yes pregnancy is a journey that should not being alone. Make yourself busy. Find a hobby, watch Netflix. Hihi #TAPactiveuser

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jangan sedih2 sis. balik keja facetime dengan yg tersayang. husband bz, facetime dengan fam, fam bz facetime dengan kawan. semua bz up status kat wasap bebai kat semorang wahahhaha

Situation kita sama sis. Tapi tu la kalau kita layan kan sangat perasaan kita juga yang sakit. Jadi, cuba busy kan diri dengan buat kerja rumah ke, tengok netflix ke hehe

Terima kasih semua atas kata2 semangat. sangat bersyukur sebab ada mommies yg saling support each other ❤

I pon pjj jgk Skrg dh ada ank sorg masih pjj Keep strong ye mommy

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