When will UPT shows +ve result after implantation bleeding?

For mommies yang ada experience, nak tanya, berapa hari you all dapat result UPT positive selepas implantation spotting/bleeding? I think I got implantation spotting yesterday tapi bila check upt, still -ve. Hopefully can get some insights from mommies out there regarding this.

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Hi. Kebiasaannya bila upt negative, any bleeding is considered as menses, unless upt dah +ve, then bila ada bleeding baru kita akan consider as implantation bleeding/threatened miscarriage. Bila Dr dh confirm it is not a threatened miscarriage on subsequent scanning, and bleeding tu dah stop, barulah kita panggil implantation bleeding..but u can try to repeat upt in a week to be sure. Good luck

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same goes to me. end up period.tapi spotting je.tak macam selalu.cramp period pun takde.semoga ada rezeki