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Clearblue UPT
Hi mommies, nak tanya, korang pernah test pakai upt jenama Clearblue tak? Bila agaknya korang dapat result positive kalau check pakai Clearblue? Boleh share dengan gambar sekali tak?
Kuatkan rahim untuk elak keguguran
Hi semua, nak tanya, boleh share tips macam mana kuatkan rahim pada awal kehamilan?
Implantation Bleeding
Pernah tak korang mengalami implantation bleeding lebih dari 3 days? I'm not sure if it's implantation bleeding or AF but I got upt +ve yesterday. Should I be worried?
When will UPT shows +ve result after implantation bleeding?
For mommies yang ada experience, nak tanya, berapa hari you all dapat result UPT positive selepas implantation spotting/bleeding? I think I got implantation spotting yesterday tapi bila check upt, still -ve. Hopefully can get some insights from mommies out there regarding this.
Side effects of Folic Acid?
Hi mommies, has anyone experienced any side effects of taking folic acid when you're ttc?
What are your symptoms before you get +ve result?
Hi all mommies! I need to ask for your opinion, I'm having cramps for almost a week now with sticky white discharge (sorry tmi), increase in appetite, migraine and backache. Bila saya check upt, it always come out -ve. Now I'm very sad. I have irregular period but even when I'm about to period or ovulation, I never had such symptoms. Dan saya dah consume folic acid about two weeks now. Adakah ianya effect dari folic acid? or has anyone pernah mengalami situasi like that macam saya then end up got +ve? I hope I'll get good news as I'm already 30 and just got married two months ago. Have a good day, mommies!