eat too much.

hi mommies. just wondering, if we eat too much, is it will affect the baby ?

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hi dear....i macam u juga...i like too eat...i like too try everything...hari tu pergi scan doc ada advice jaga pemakanan n exercise....doc kata kalau nasi tu u should take 8suap je...then kalau buah 1 slice 2 slice gitu...jangan byk2...i pun macam ooo...ok... i just wondering cukup for the baby i ikut jela nasihat doktor..becoz doctor know best.. 😉😉😉

Baca lagi

yes.. hehe.. better to control on carbo, sugar n salt intake.. drink more plain water.. u can eat in small portion but frequently. it helps much to avoid starving..

6y ago

actually, I eat way too much too. even I have gdm. haha.. but for the sake of baby, I really need to control.. lets control our eating habbit together Mommy😅😅