Signs of labour
Hello Mommies, what was the sign/signs of labour for you? How did you know it's time? It's my first time and a bit worried if I miss out on reaching hospital in time or reach too early ?

I had bloody show in the morning and then started to feel the contraction after dinner. I went to hospital when I feel I can hardly walk anymore. Dr. asked me to wait at home because the dilation is only 2cm but I told him the pain is unbearable. So he admitted me and I gave birth soon after that. Water break when dilation is about 5cm
Read moreMy water bag leaked abit in the early morning at 9am and then by 2pm i felt like im peeing alot. 😂 called my gynae and he told me to make my way to the hospital. The night before it burst i just had this instinct that im going to go into labour the next day.
Contractions only started an hour or so when i was in thr delivery ward after my water bag was a gush of liquid, not just leaking or trickling down 😅i took a shower before heading to the hospital
Mine is after cervix check (1cm dilated) at week 38, bloody show appears 2 hours later and dilation 3 cm. Got admitted. Gynae break waterbag to expedite labour within 8 hours
I went hungry the whole day. Can only eat bf the next day.. wasnt prepared with my toiletries and chargers. Hub had to rush home and bring my dog over to my parents while I'm in labour ward.
mine was 40+1.. around 1.20am had bloody show and contractions after.. went to hospital around 7am
I was induced so the water bag leaks, it will be like uncontrollable urine all over the floor.
Thank you all 👍 It really helped 😊
bloody show and regular contractions
contractions and bloody show
Contractions and water bag burst
Mommy of a super baby!!