i'm 1st time pregnant..,
When should i go hospital? What are the signs of labour getting nearer?

Hi there, there are the signs of labour: - contractions or tightenings that get stronger and more frequent with time - a "show", or pinkish brown discharge when the plug of mucus from your cervix comes away - backache - diarrhoea / an urge to go to the toilet, which is caused by your baby's head pressing on your bowel - your waters breaking (rupture of membranes). This might feel like a big gush or a slow trickle of clear fluid that you can't control Get medical attention immediately if: - your waters break, or - you're bleeding, or - your baby is moving less than usual, or - you're less than 37 weeks pregnant and think you might be in labour
Read moreYour labour is getting close if your contractions are coming every 3-5 minutes. Also, If your water breaks, you are likely to go into labour within 24 hours. Other symptoms are a pinkish brown mucus like discharge, backache that won't go away and diarrhoea. That apart, if you experience any of the following conditions you should contact your doctor without delay: Rupture of membranes (water breaking) Heavy vaginal bleeding No movement from baby Swelling of the face and hands Blurred vision Severe headaches Dizziness Intense stomach/abdominal pain Sudden weight gain (more than four pounds in a week) Seizures
Read moreYou should go to the hospital if you have strong contractions that last 45 to 60 seconds and occur three to four minutes apart. Apart from that, other factors are if your water breaks, if you have persistent backache or sometimes, diarrhoea. Make sure to monitor your baby's movements at least twice a day. Remember, you should be able to feel at least 10 movements in 2 hours.
Read moreYou should go if your water bag break (usually is water gushing out), bleeding, or if you're having contractions ( feels like bad period cramp) about 10 min apart
Thkz u all.,. I july give birth already.., bbyGAL nw 5MTH.,. ^^
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