belly button popping out
Hi mommies, my lo's belly button is popping out quite badly, as per picture. My mom says its due to excessive crying. May i know if this is something i should bring her to pd to see? My lo has been crying alot

Can I suggest something very practical? Buy hospitalisation insurance first before you see any doctor. It looks like an umbilical hernia. Yes it pops out when baby is crying/straining, and should go back in when baby’s lying down and relaxed. It’ll usually resolve within the first year, but if it doesn’t, there’s a chance of needing surgery... So..just suggesting 1) buy insurance 2) monitor it. Makes sure it’s not painful to touch/the skin is becoming redder/blacker. Make sure that the lump can pop back in when baby’s relaxed. If not, go see a doctor. 3) you can let the doctor know at the next developmental assessment (buy insurance prior)
Read moreI had the same advise from my parents as well. It is because of excessive crying but if you are still worried, go ahead and have your LO checked up. Personally I feel that you dont have to worry, it doesnt look serious unless swelling, redness or blood.
It's an umbilical hernia. Will resolve by 3 months old. My baby had it too and it's more obvious when they are crying. Don't worry. It's not because of excessive crying. Btw. DONT GO AND PUSH IT IN. It'll resolve on its own
It happened to my son too. Luckily it was not hernia. His PD diagnosed it as granuloma. It is treated with silver nitrate and it healed within a week. Check with Ur PD to be sure. All the best.
Hi, my son had that and my mil told me to use my thumb and turn in into a circular motion to push it back in. Somehow it worked. But if you're worried, ask a PD aite(:
It's umbilical hernia. Bring to PD and get prescribed baneocin powder. My lo got it due to colic and excessive crying at night.
Hey Mum, This looks like the case of hernia. Please bring your LO to the PD immediately
Best to consult the pediatrician soon...
I think better see pd soon...
It looks like a hernia