Body weight loss
Hi mommies... I'm in 6th month postpartum. I'm still retaining my body weight. How to reduce it please help me.. I'm exclusively breastfeeding my baby. #firstbaby #1stimemom #postpartumbelly

With BF you will retain some extra weight as your body needs it to produce the milk. I also had huge appetite when little one was relying on me for milk. Needed those calories. But by 10/11 months when he depend much less milk and his intake went down I also had less appetite, lost a lot of weight. Helps when they start walking/running too, then really you’re always moving around the house too. Just give yourself time and be a bit forgiving of your body. It grew a human and is still providing that human with milk.
Read moreTry intermittent fasting. 16hrs only water & another 8 hrs eat clean food. Avoid snacking. To be honest it is hard to lose weight after giving birth. Up till now i am still using my girdle pants at home & waist trainer at least 8 hrs per day. from 68kg pre pregnancy weight now 53kg post pregnancy weight. coming 4 months pp. & i still have 3 kgs to lose. 😭
Read moreDrink lots and lots of fluids. Helps you to feel full & helps your bowel movements to be regular. Important : Avoid all sweet drinks, desserts, fast foods.
I avoided junk foods and sugary drinks . Just plain water and confinement food after pp
Avoid lactation goodies. They are high in calories. Carry your baby and walk around.
Hi, Please have lots of fluids and also yoga and swimming should help