Isit worth doing the Down syndrome test?
Hi mommies i wanna check isit worth it going for the Down syndrome test? I’m still 50-50 about it

Just got my consultation today. I would go for nipt and fts test because nipt can also detect if the baby has other issues that may cause intellectual disability , seizures and more. Apart just from Down syndrome test, as the other tested components can tell if there will be other health issues when the child grows up. Going for Fts because it can detect structural defects. It really depends on how you think about it. Cause for me, I hope my baby is healthy so that he or she can lead a life that they want. With kkh, Nipt test is $750 while fts was 300 plus. So my husband and I decided not to save that 1k plus as we thought if we “harm” our child’s happiness will cause much more than that value.
Read moreI feel that it is necessary to do the test regardless whether you decide to keep the baby after knowing the results. In any case, it keeps you better prepared of any foreseeable issues.
If you’re gonna keep the baby regardless of the results then not necessary. We went for it since it’s our first baby & Oscar was within our budget.