having pain in pubic area

Hi Mommies, I am 32+3 weeks pregnant, having very bad pain in pubic area since last night when changing positions,anyone experienced this? And how to reduce this pain?

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Super Mum

Hi dear.. it’s called pubic symphysis dysfunction. https://sg.theasianparent.com/pubic-bone-pain-during-pregnancy?fbclid=IwAR02I_HdJnnEz68hjm8bySVbWKzlwkg2_NUMQujxknB931eDfg0OkUfKbJA I had it too, and it was terrible. When it was severe, I had to take paracetamol. Using a bolster helps, and turning very slowly. Putting on underwear and pants became very difficult too, as with walking up and down the stairs (needed to do that for work every day). For me, the pain became better immediately after delivery, but only completely disappeared 5 weeks after.

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