cut hair
Hi mommies, do you cut hairs during pregnancy. Some elderly say pantang

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Read moreI also heard that you can’t cut your hair during pregnancy, but there are many such superstitions and you can’t believe everyone. I went to this hairdresser a couple of times, I wanted to have well-groomed hair and it only benefited.
Never heard of such pantang. I will trim my hair before labour because of the no hair washing during confinement rule 😆
I cut them tho .. Nvr heard of any pantang related to that . But which hair are u referring to ? Hehe ..
Yes, it’s totally fine. Superstitions are all people make them up to be, don’t let it affect you (:
I cut my hair short a few weeks before giving birth. I dunno cannot. Weather too hot in Singapore.
I do! To prepare before confinement. As it will be super hot during that period of time
Yes i cut before i go delivery. To keep my hair short and clean during my confinement
I even coloured my hair during pregnancy. Just one time but all is well.
I also dunno can or not. So far I have trimmed once. Still in my early stage.