When did you start telling people about your pregnancy?
Many articles say wait until first tri is over, but it would be great to hear individual stories! Wondering if I am telling too many people?

It’s hard not to break the news! But for me personally I waited after first trimester for close family and friends. And the rest didn’t know until I gave birth. Abit extreme lah, but I’ve always been private about my personal life. Honestly whichever you’re comfortable with, but mostly people wait til end of first trimester.
Read moreRight after I got big fat positive to my immediate family and after first trimester for close friends. Some friends just have very strong six sense and asked if I'm pregnant during first trimester. One of them texted me outside group without her knowing why. Haha. Can't hide from them.. 😆
Told my immediate family, bestfriend, and my boss after confirming my pregnancy. Told some of my colleagues after the first trimester, and my boss even asked my permission to announce the wonderful news to the rest of the team after. I don’t even tell my relatives/cousins at all 😄
we told our parents when we went to confirm with the Gyne around 6-7 weeks. Our bosses when it was 12 weeks. Same with friends, it is around 12-14 weeks. Acquaintances through social media when around 5 months.
Read moreOnly told my mum, MIL & boss after went to clinic to confirm. Told immediate family members after 1st trimester with the ultrasound photo. 😊
i shared the good news with my immediate family the moment i tested positive on the pregnancy kit, shared with friends during the 2nd trimester
I only told friends after 3 months. :) i only told my parents and siblings about it once i know I’m pregnant! ☺️☺️
Immediate family and 1 or 2 best friend the moment i found myself pregnant. Relatiges and others after 3 months.
Erm 6 weeks after gynae confirmation to my mum and 2 bestie in office... the rest after 12 weeks
didn’t tell anyone till i gave birth, only husband know n our both side only parents know at 32week