Mitos atau Fakta

mandi malam? bahaya x utk mum yg pegnen?

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Depends on what you want to believe. Follow tradition which says cannot, because generally we are not adviced to take showers at night where preggers or not. Old 'petua' advice not to shower after 6 up until about 3 am. And this advice has been followed for hundreds of years. Look at old people, they are mostly healthy. We can also follow modern advice which says all 'petua' is crap. And just do whatever we want. In the end, it's our body, and the consequences will be borne by us, maybe not now or few years down the line, but later when we are older. After all, we all have different bodies, different health, and different immune system. Good luck in making your decision!

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Hahaa. Karut ja semua tu ada yg ckp kalau mandi mlm nnti ank tumbuh ekor... Sy mandi mlm² elok ja.. Jaga pemakanan jaga gaya hidup insyaallah ank sihat

5y ago

orite sis ,😀

Kalau tk sempat mandi siang, takkan nk tunggu pg besok bru mandi.. hihi ok je kot.. sy biasa mandi mlm.. sbb tunggu suami balik keje nk mandi sama2 hehe

5y ago

tu lah.. kadang bile org tua2 dengar saya mandi malam, bising lah mulut dorg marah2.. saya ckp lah keje abis petang..maghrib baru abis.. xkan xnk mandi and terus tdo..uishh..x selesa lahh

sy selalu mandi mlm...dlm pukul 8.30 malam cmtu...sbb balik kerja malam..tiap2 hari dr awal preggy smpai third trimester dh..alhamdulillah..xde ape2...

5y ago

serius sis.. lega saya dengar.. kadang risau jugak

Kalau mak saya just cakap masuk angin badan mandi malam. Tapi dari segi saintifik tak pasti. Boleh juga tanya dktor atau nurse yg rawat kita.

5y ago

Kan.. Tp sy still cuba elakkan mandi lewat malam.. Dgr jgk ckp mak.. So far smua oklah.. Hehe

mak2 yg pregy jgn percaya benda karut2 org2 tua ya...kurafat....percaya kn Allah alquran sudah ok syg2 semua....

5y ago

baik sis sayang 🥰🥰😍

VIP Member

Sya sblm pkui 12 mesti mndi. Sb pns tkleh thn. Klau tk sush tdr , kalau dh mndi pun skrg sush dh tdr msuk 31week 3d

5y ago

ok 😄

VIP Member

Kalau yg 3rd trimester lagi diorg suruh mandi..mandi air suam utk mempercepatkan kelahiran.

5y ago

ohh..xde buatkan air ketuban banyak kan sis

Nurse tempat sy siap suggest kalau nak segar dan selesa, Mandi sekejap sebelum tidur ..😁

5y ago

lega dengar.. risau jugak sebelom ni

Kalau saya,,mak saya xbagi malam. Sebelum kol 7 dah mandi.. air ketumban jadi banyak.

5y ago

tu lah.. ade dengar cmtu gak