I did breastfeed for about 10 months, but I exclusively pumped since Day 1 because my son didn't want to latch. However, there are many mums who do not breastfeed - some for medical/financial reasons, while others simply choose not to because of whatever personal reasons they had! I guess the first thing you could think about is why you don't want to breastfeed - yes, it can be inconvenient and tough to manage especially if you're a working mum - but there are ways around it to help you manage :) If it's about the cost, you could always get secondhand/gently used equipment and reusable storage cups so you don't spend a lot on storage bags! In fact, breastfeeding is cheaper than getting formula in the long run. If it's about medical reasons, then check with your gynae/doctor about it - some medication do not require you to pump and dump, and some health conditions would still allow you to breastfeed while accepting treatment/medication :) Whatever your reason is, you still have time to think about it - and whether you want to or not, your milk supply will come in about 3-5 days after giving birth, and it'll take a while to go away if you choose not to breastfeed - either way, you'd still have to take good care to avoid mastitis and blocked ducts which can cause more problems! If you do decide to not breastfeed at all, you may want to get medication from the doctor to stop your milk supply - even if you're not feeding, milk can still be triggered when a child cries (even if it's not your child) or when you get overly emotional over maternal instincts :x If there's something bothering you about breastfeeding, you can always leave a message or comment here and the community can help!
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