Gagging during feeding

My LO still gags during his bottle feeding. I went to see the pd yesterday, and was told to pace his bottle feed. I googled on how to do it but Also would like to know how you guys do it from experience? It’s just very frightening when he gags or chokes . Im currently using Hegen with slow flow teat.

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My daughter drinks very fast. Doctor also told me to pace her bottle feed. I usually pull out the bottle teat & tilt it alittle to slow her down. When she has swallowed her drink she would automatically suck on the teat and i will push the teat in for her. also i position her head slightly to the side. it works for me. Not sure if it will work for you tho but you can try :)

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5y ago

Thank u for ur input! I will try with his next feed :)