My LO drinks 150ml in 3-4 hours time im just thinking was i over feeding her?now she drinks from my breast and better but @the second week we didn’t know so,we will just give her 60-150ml ?i was just reading they should only drink max 80ml?can you advise me on this?
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Super Mum
If you're overfeeding baby, she will show signs of discomfort (vomiting, back arching, inconsolable crying etc.). If she didn't show any sign it's probably fine. But anyway if you're no longer bottle feeding there's no need to worry about it now :) since you can't overfeed from the breast
VIP Member
Hi... if you’re breastfeeding, your child will stop sucking if she’s full. If you’re expressing and bottle-fed her, you should follow feeding guidelines. If your child is hungry, she will cry.
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