My Lo is 11 months old and down with flu n cough. His runny nose is getting better but his phlegm seems forever there. Doc gave cough syrup that is supposed to help with phlegm but doesn't seem to help. Any effective medication to help rid phlegm? fluimucil?

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Yes flumicil is to help loosen phlegm. Besides medication, it's also best to cut down on mucus producing food. One big culprit will be dairy - milk, cheese, yogurt etc. Here's a list of to eat and to avoid: To avoid: – Dairy products (yogurt, milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, ice cream, butter, ghee) – All corn products – Eggs – Sugary treats (cookies, cake, pies, pastries) – Wheat (bread, pretzels, buns, bagels, muffins, etc.) – Deep fried foods – All soy products – Safflower/sunflower oil – Jams and jellies – High-fat red meat – Alcohol – Caffeine To eat: – Radishes (red, daikon, horseradish, you name it – one of that best mucus-cleansers out there!) – All leafy greens and herbs – Cauliflower and broccoli – Garlic – Celery – Asparagus – Bamboo shoots – Onions – Ginger and turmeric – Citrus fruits (lemons, limes, grapefruits, oranges, kumquats, etc.) – Pineapple – Berries – Brussels sprouts – Hot peppers Read more at

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Hi my gal had flu around 7mo and she was given phlegm Med no cough Med. She had a bit of phlegm left after the whole bottle of Med was finished but she originally already had a lot of phlegm since birth. After she recovered from flu I found her phlegm started to become more and more again. My point is I think diet and milk powder may be the main cause to her phlegm. She permanently has phlegm these days. But during flu what I did is to keep spraying sterimar to her nose and sucking out the mucus with nasal aspirator and that helped to clear the stocky mucus and phlegm. In terms of food causing phlegm I believe fruits cause phlegm especially citrus fruits and banana so I have tried to avoid giving too much fruits to my gal.

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Go tcm massage for babies. If u can go to yu guo child massage at kambangan plaza. The usual peak hours will apply and it's always quite full unless u go during office hrs. Have to go a few days in a row. If u can afford and u can find tcm massage for ur child nearer to u, then go for that. They usually give a sachet of herbal powder to place over the naval region - not the eat medicine type. V safe n reasonably effective. Yu guo doesn't have the best hygiene and it's so full of sick children so U really need to practice v good hygiene there

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Yes i give flumicil too. Its so good and effective.. I Swear by it to Remove the phlegm