Did you let your kids watch lion king?
Lion king seems quite violent - my kid is 3

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Super Mum
I would.. But not when my kid is 3.. Not because I think it is violent but just don't want to expose her to the ipad/tv/movies yet. Plus the movie is so long.. Don't think she can sit there for so long.
Super Mum
Didn't watch but some friends said it can be quite scary for a small child because it looks realistic
I think the cartoon version is better than realistic one as it looks more violent 😅
VIP Member
I did but she was 6 when she watched it, better when they r a bit older
VIP Member
I did watch the movie with them, I don't think they're that violent.
VIP Member
Of course we watched together, my boy loves it
3 is a little young. Would wait till 5-6
Yes and they enjoyed it
I think it’s fine
Super Mum
Sure. Nt violent.
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