Sleeping face down
Do you let your baby sleep face down?

Babies are put to sleep on their backs or sides because it has been shown that belly sleeping increases the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, commonly called crib death). The cause of SIDS is not understood but is felt to be related to some sort of interference with breathing when face down.
Read moreNo, I won’t. Safety is more important than looking good. What’s the point of having a nicely-shaped skull when your baby is dead? Honestly, saw experts say the shape of baby’s head changes everyday. I think genetics are more important than the position of how baby sleeps
For me, No . Very rarely also If I saw I will flip back. I don’t wanna make it as a habit . My lo sleeps more on sides or face side ways
Read moreNope, sometimes my baby will flip over and fall asleep while facing down but I'll quickly pick her up and flip her back.
No, especially not below 1 year old. Much higher risk for suffocation and sudden infant death syndrome.
No. Chances of SIDS are significantly higher if the baby sleeps face down.
Try not to. Get the baby to sleep on his/her sides or back would be better
Yes if they have good neck control to turn and able to flip
Yes! But I do not leave my baby unattended
Nope. Only when they're older