I'm truly sorry for your loss. Miscarriage is absolutely painful, disappointing and makes you feel guilty of not taking good care of your pregnancy. I've lost 2. And the latter took me a year to overcome the guilt and grief. I did not have any dreams before I miscarried. But know that miscarriage happens and it was never your fault. There are many reasons why it happened. A bad chromosomes is one example. My gynae reassured me this and explained why miscarriage happens and why it is never the mum's fault at all. I'm not religious either but I do pray and I'm not superstitious too. Most of the elderly people's tips and advices are more to superstitious believes. In my religion, Islam, it is forbidden to do like the masseuse asked to do. As if we believe that those sharp objects will protect us instead of Allah. And miscarriage happens because it's all His will.
I’m sorry for your loss. For me personally, I feel that although sad in nature, a miscarriage proves that the fetus isn’t healthy. Do not blame yourself. Sending you baby dust✨
hi Belle! thank you for the kind words. please keep me in your prayers! ❤❤❤