Snacking habits

My kids loves to snack and doesn't wat well during his proper mealtimes. Is there any way to stop his snacking habit? I feel bad stopping him but it's affecting his main meal appetite and intake. #snack

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Suggest enforcing a set schedule for meal times and include a morning snack time and an afternoon snack time. Allow healthy snacks (e.g. fruit, yoghurt) and remove the unhealthy snacks from the home. It if fine to allow him to feel a bit of hunger before meals.

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Totally stop offering your child snacks or if you have to offer him healthier snacks hours before his mealtimes. He may be unhappy initially but he will eventually be fine(:

Don’t give him snacks before meal time. Have to be firm with him, as he’s at the stage where he needs proper nutrients

VIP Member

How about limiting it to healthy snacks like fruits and some vegetables like celery or carrot sticks?

VIP Member

Let him have his meal before giving him snacks. Must be firm on this

Be strict with him Don’t offer him snacks

Must be firm and don’t feel bad