4 Replies

Yes, mother's diet does affect the child, but anything in moderation is fine. Whatever you eat is basically making the milk of the child, so if you are eating heavy food, then your baby's tummy may get upset and you can know that with the texture of his stool. I think if your baby is having cold, then avoid having ice cream and cold things else having regular homemade food is fine. If you have to eat curd, then make sure that you are not having it straight from the fridge but take it if it is kept on room temperature.

Hi, I don't think having rice would aggarvate his cold or not having it would help him. You can take care of not eating cold things and cold fluids. Else, you can have everything. Though, it is true that your diet can affect the baby as your milk is made of whatever you are eating but I do not think that having rice would do any harm to him in this condition. Else, take advice of your doctor.

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