Is it true that weaning definitely will have to go through engorgement? Does weaning (due multiple medical advices from few different Doctors) has to be so emotional and stressful ? What are the ways to make it easier..

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How old is your baby? Up to 1 y/o, baby's main nutrition come from breastmilk, while after that the milk supplement his food intake. So what i do is, from 6 to 12months, i give food to my LO not so much. He learns different tastes, textures and skilss to handle his food (chewing, holding etc). Approaching 12months, usually LO will eat more semi solid or solid food to satisfy his hunger. By getting in sync with your baby need, your breast also slowly will decrease its production. Therefore, make your LO mealtimes fun, don't mind the food and time amount so much, follow your kid's interest too...good luck!

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