6 Replies

No I think it's just natural that babies experience separation anxiety! When they start to become aware of their surroundings and have a memory of things then they begin to know how it feels like when mummy is not around. She spent 10 months in your womb of course she felt more secure in that familiar environment. My siblings and I were brought up on formula milk and we were still super clingy to our mum when we were young. You can communicate with your baby more to cope with this. For example reassuring your baby that you'll be back if you're leaving the room. Cuddle more or nurse your baby before you put him down for bed. The general rule is his to be more assuring! http://www.breastfeeding-magazine.com/infant-separation-anxiety.html

My daughter wasn't breastfed but my son was... and both had separation anxiety which were equally horrible! It's worst especially if we are in someone else's home and they will cling onto me as if I will let them go. My son lately as started pulling my hair the moment he senses that I'm about to pass him over to my mum before I leave for work. It'a such a mini drama every morning but like what Stephanie said, it's a phase. With my elder girl, it was probably for almost 2 months.

Yes, for my kids. I feel breastfed babies are more attached to the mother, due to the close bonding and touching during latching. However, I think other factors e.g. if you are the only care taker to your child, and she sees you most of the time, and below the age of 3 years old, the separation anxiety is even greater. But believe me, soon they will outgrow the phase and learn to be independent. Meanwhile, just enjoy the close relationship with your daughter now.

Based on actual experience and observation, yes. We weren't breastfed by our mom but we too, were clingy to her. It's normal for all children to be clingy but we can't deny the fact that breastfeeding brings a different kind of bond between the mom and the child. I got the same feedback from my friends who breastfeed their babies especially those for a prolonged period of time.

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