Very Anxious
Im very anxious,, How to know your baby is growing? Went for a scan on 5 weeks and saw a sac but doctor said its earlier than 5 weeks. Ask me to return after 3 weeks. Now Im anxious and want to know how can I be assured that it will grow. 😶

Hello mummy! Trust your gynae sometimes we might miscount the weeks. There are incidents where u thought is 5 weeks but maybe earlier or even sometimes could be even 6-7 weeks, only the ultrasound is the best gauge. Don’t worry. Take loads of rest and like what the others said. Watch your diet:)
don't worry mummy! I been thru that. went for my first appt, thought was at 7 wks end up at 5wks. was told to go back in 2 wks. so during this 2 wks was worrying, at the same time.. keep telling myself everything gonna be fine! keep taking to ur little one 😊 take lots of rest, keep hydrated
It's too early, my doctor actually didn't recommend me to come before 6 weeks because it'd be difficult to see anything. LMP can be misleading because it doesn't say when is the conception time so it makes sense to come back when it's slightly bigger. Don't worry, relax and stay healthy!
You can only know via ultrasounds & normally your LMP is inaccurate even if you've had regular periods. In the meantime, best to bed rest as much as you can in the early stages of pregnancy. Take your folic acid in time which is very important and watch what you eat & drink.
Totally understand how you feel as I was in the same state too! It won’t be before long you can feel baby kick. Do get lots of rest, eat well and be happy. The baby will grow. (:
Still very early. Only the scan will tell u how it is. In the meantime, stay positive, eat your vitamins and pray all will be fine.. all the best!
Rest well and be positive. Is still too early to be sure.
don't worry too much..have faith that all is well