Csec experience?
Hi mummies, can share with me your csect experience? How long did you take to heal, did you have to take epi, will you be asleep or awake (i heard some asleep some awake)? I'm a first time mom🤗

I had c-section 20 months back, next day post c-section with the help of painkiller I was able to get up from bed and walk. it took 2 weeks to feel normal and a month for the outer wound to heal and to be able to do normal activities. In painkiller I trust, so I don’t have so much problem with pain. Process was very fast as well, I was not a pro c-sect at that time, but having go through the process and comparing the experience with natural delivery, I came to conclusion that c-sect is really wonderful, especially for bikini cut. The bikini cut really matters, cos it’s at the location that won’t really move when you do some movement, so lesser pain than other area. I was awake through the process and still remember what happened there, even the conversation between the doctors. Post surgery, remember to go and pee asap when the nurse say can go toilet alr. The longer you wait and the more full your bladder, the more painful it gets when peeing.
Read moreGive birth last year sept. Initially wanted full body. But I have no complication so I decided to go with half body cause I want to see my lo entering the world. Quite amused with that feeling of half body because effortless baby came out within 5 min. Saw lo crying loudly & felt relieved that she healthy. Aftermath don’t really rmb because everything in ops happen in the blink next moment I’m awake in the ward. Totally no regret getting half body because my husband was there to see the lo out too even though I wanted full body at first. Pain tolerance different for everyone so ya. But I walk immediately after my catheter was remove and urine within 2 hour. That the only way u can get green light go home asap. Don’t be scare just follow what nurse told u to do. Everything will be fine. All the best!
Read moreJust had emergency csect done at kkh on 1st June 2022 after failed induction of 30hrs...😅 Hubby wasnt allowed to accompany because it wasnt an elective one..so i was quite nervous by myself since i am a ftm..but turns out getting epi didnt really hurt and like most mums here mentioned, it was real quick within 15mins max, bb is out.. Bedrest for next 24hrs and I was up and about walking about almost normally till the nurses thought i underwent natural birth.. *what really helps though was me wearing the postpartum binder and also the painkillers* i think that was also the contributor to being able to walk around without much pain for myself* I got the mamachoice which was budget friendly and turnsout to be a lifesaver..
Read moreI just did a csect in April, I took epi and was awake throughout the entire process. From the moment they gave me epi until the baby is out took about 10-15mins, it was fast and painless, I was conscious the whole time and was able to carry/see baby immediately as soon as I get back to my ward. Also, husband was with me throughout the process too. The healing was quite fast also, I managed to do slow walking the next day, by day 3 I could shower (while sitting on a chair in the bathroom). Don't worry about it, it isn't as bad as what we imagined.
Read moreThank you mummies for sharing, your comments comfort me❤🥲 Really appreciate it.⚘️
If I have issues with needles, such that I always faint after a jab. Will epidural c-sect cause complications if I really faint after the epidural? If thats e case, does it means I only left with Csect with GA? Epidural (jab into the spine), do they give local GA cream or what to numb the area first? My pain threshold is super low 😔
Read moreConsult ur gynae in advance. If I can rmb they straight in jab epidural. Personally I don’t feel any pain when taking epidural. Because I just relax my body & let the nurse to do what they need. 😂
Riding on, May I know which hospitals did you all choose?
Nuh for me!☺️