Any lovelies can share their birth experience?

Is it too far fetched to want natural delivery without any gas or epi for ftm? Reading all the articles saying how painful the actual contractions are and how mummies tend to ask late epi, it kinda of crush my hopes. What if my body could not take it too? 😢#pregnancy #firstbaby

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Just delivered 1 week ago and as a first time mum! The week before I delivered i felt alot of braxton hicks, on the day Itself I started to have very consistent contractions but I’m someone with higher pain tolerance so even though the contraction was consistent, I didn’t think of it as actual labour coming soon. Nevertheless, I could go to sleep but suddenly wokeup in the middle of the night. This time round, the pain from the contractions got me pulling my bedsheets, so I decided to head down to hospital and was later found out being 6cm dilated. i was immediately pushed to the delivery suite. The contractions started coming faster and stronger, the laughing gas could only helped 30% of the pain for me. The laughing gas also kind of made me feel dizzy, heavy but you still can feel quite abit of the pain. Soon after, I felt I couldn’t withstand the pain or I did not want to be in this much pain anymore. So I got them faster did my blood test to be eligible for epidural. During the epidural administration, my husband almost fainted upon seeing the needle. 😂 When they injected, it felt kind of weird, not painful but you could feel someone pulling your nerves or something in the body. I also had an electric shock during the process but soon after, I stopped feeling pain once it kicks in and which it was super fast. That moment, it felt like bliss once again. My total active labour timing was 15mins of pushing. One down side of epidural is, as you can’t feel the pain or discomfort, without having feelings is hard for you to do the pushing. So must listen to those midwives very well and their instructions. And tada! Baby is out! On the side note, my mom was dissing me for taking epidural as she said last time they all never take and also can give birth like that. But just listen to your body, if cannot then take or if you wish to feel less pain then go for it. As of today, i still think.. the most painful moment is not just delivering but is after being delivered. Phewwwwww 🤧 In summary, nothing wrong with wanting less painful labour by taking gas or epidural. Also we don’t have to think that those without having those are real heroes.

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Advice is listen to your body. The night before i give birth i know my little one acting differently. So active for 2 hours straight and heading down to my pelvis but I thought maybe change of position cause I was turning 39 weeks on that day. A few hours later i have contraction was not that bad. After that mild contraction from 4am till 11am. I've endured it alone at home, every 5 mins, 1min apart. Pain got intense hubby went home from night shift, i took some time to think if I should go to the hospital as I feel like I might slightly to early for labour as I'm 39 weeks + 1 day. As they say first baby, baby will stay in the womb longer but my baby don't 😂 Took quick shower head to kkh at around 11+ went to delivery Suite at 12pm. They monitor tour baby heart rate first and then check how many cm you're dilated. In my case when I'm there I'm already 7cm dilated. So my labour was quite fast. Went to delivery room within 30mins, endure the pain with gas. As I'm late to take epidural zzz. But the gas was good it does help with the pain but at certain times you feel the super duper pain for contraction and you need to keep inhaling. Midwife deliver me, but didn't really guide me along. So I just listen to my body and push whenever my body told me to. Baby head crown, midwife broke my waterbag and I push my baby is out. My labour was only for about an hour. For me my contraction wasn't that bad I can still lay on my bed, trying to endure the pain hoping that it was false contraction. My advice , listen to your body. If you really cannot tahan go for epi. If you're lucky enough by the time you reach the delivery Suite and you're ready to push then no need epi cause it will be quite a fast process. NOT TO FORGET BREATHE IT DOES HELP EVEN THO IT HURTS 😣 PS, I shouted cause of the pain even with gas. but hey you're welcoming a little baby and you can't explain the pain.

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4y ago

Hello @Serene, I guess I was lucky enough to go through fast labour during my first pregnancy 😂 throughout my last trimester I didn't really go out, unless I have to like went for groceries shopping and checkups. and that's like twice a month or even once a month. If I stay at home, I would do normal house chores like cleaning, laundry etc. My nesting start quite last minute like around a month before I give birth, thus I clean my room to make sure its dust free and ready for baby arrival. Other then that my last trimester, i rest alot and got sleep a lot 😂I guess its different for everyone else. Just rest as much as you can 😊 I don't think I do anything much to get fast labour 😅😂

hello mummy! i would say just keep an open mind and let your body decide during the labour. from the very beginning i already knew i wanted to take epidural but still wanted to know how contraction pains felt like so i endured the contractions for a while before opting for epidural. do take into consideration the waiting time for the anaesthetist too as sometimes you might need to wait for around an hour. i would say taking epidural has its perks as well, as it helps you to conserve your energy while waiting for labour (especially if you are induced cuz who knows when you will be fully dilated and effaced). it allows you to keep your mind at peace and get ready for the actual pushing instead of using up most of your energy crying, shouting and enduring the contraction pains. its okay if you wish to opt for a fully natural labour too, but i heard some people get traumatised by the pain especially if its their first time. anyway different people experience pain in different ways, so keep an open mind and listen to your body then. all the best!

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Follow your body's cue. Only you will know how the pain is. I intended to not use any options for pain relief but I end up using epidural still. I have high tolerance for pain but just not with contractions. This time I took it early when I was 3cm dilated and sadly it does not work on my body so I still felt intense pain. Really regret taking it too early but because I was already having contractions as I was induced and had to do a membrane sweep during labour. I still managed to 'tahan' the pain and delivered my baby within 3 hrs. I took the epi late with my previous deliveries so they worked well on me. Felt numb all the way and I didn't feel my baby coming out. So yes, best is to take the epi late when you feel like you cannot take it. Our body are all different lah. Some can tahan, some cannot. You follow yours. Epi is not painful at all. You'll be busy with the contractions and all you want is for the pain to go away. Then you can rest, can sleep, can laugh and all w/o feeling the contractions.

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4y ago

Thank you for sharing. 💕

VIP Member

Was natural birth for my 3pregnancy without epidural. Only took laughing gas. I perseverance, stay firm on not taking epidural. Recently, I had missed miscarriage too, I just gave birth to stillbirth a month ago. No pain killer given too, same contraction as I'm giving birth. Hence, its really depends on your own, whether you are firm enough to tolerate all the way or give in to epidural. as for laughing gas, doesn't help much, but to me .. its quite fun lol! I was crying and screaming at the same time due to the contraction pain lolol

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I delivered two months back. My obgyn advised to take epidural as it was my first child. She said it usually painful and then they stitch u out however i had a 24 hrs labor and didnt dialate more than 3cm during this time so took gas but it had no effect. Fyi, they only give epidural once you dialate to 3+ cm. Also the doc mentioned that too much gas might make the baby drowsy so i didnt take much. The labor was intense but with epi the delivery was very smooth. Ask ur doc to advise, but if its first child you can try epi.

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I'm ftm and had natural delivery without epidural and gas. didn't opt for gas because i heard it doesn't work and make u dizzy. when i was 3cm dilated the pain is still manageable when admitted to hospitalat 3.30am. progress was a bit slow so doc burst my water bag and induced me with oxytocin, the pain gets more intense at 10am. by 11am my baby was delivered after 5 attempts of pushing. you will feel the urge to push without epidural and the pushing part is quick. trust your body instincts.

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3y ago

Thank you for sharing. Really appreciate this.

if you're lucky like my friend, she didn't feel any pain throughout her whole delivery. so no pain relief was required at all. I was induced and at 3cm, gynea ask me why I'm in pain and didn't ask for epidural. told her I didn't know can ask for it so early. the 1st jab only lasted 90min. had to get another jab after tt and tool laughing gas in the meantime but no use at all for pain relief. but it did give me a bit of energy after inhaling to push during delivery.

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1st one I took at about 4cm dilated. delivered within the next 4 hours. 2nd one premature. was admitted at 3cm and heavy bleeding but on drip for 2 days to hold bb in me longer. took epi 3 hours before bb come out. but I have no contraction pain. I just scare die of pain so I opt for epidural when I was admitted. it also depends on bb size ba. I only felt pain when the epidural wean off the next day and it was miserable for a week

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3y ago

I'm still quite lucky on this... didn't have much issue other than back pain which I think is due to constant carrying of my boys and rocking them to sleep

I didnt wanna use laughing gas and epidural from start but the pain rule over mi and hubby didnt wan to c mi in pain. Was pretty determined at start. Gave in to laughing gas at 6cm but din really helped coz i felt like crap after taking in the gas n eventually stopped coz i felt breathing on my own was better. Took epidural at 7cm n felt nth 😂. It really depends on ur pain tolerance

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