Hello! I'm thinking of sending my daughter for enrichment, she's Super active, we tried heguru for almost 3 terms but she just couldn't pay attention to it... we switched to happy train for a few terms and same thing happened.. she's always the only kid moving around fidgeting non stop ?.. do u all have any other suggestion what is good for a 3 year old? Thanks in advance!

Hi actually active kids are good :) as long as they are not hyper active . Active kids explore around and are curious, I find that very good. How about going for classes which allow her to move but she can train her focused skills? For eg kindermusik, she gets to dance around but yet have to focus on the rhythm. Or maybe sports classes like wushu, gym. She gets to be active but yet have to pay attention to the teacher. I am of the thinking we should not try to alter our kids personality too much unless it is bad behaviour. We should act on their strengths
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I sent my son to soccer class and he loves it. He is about 2.5yo and pretty active as well. Sometimes he will act up in class and usually I'll just be very strict and tell him if he doesn't behave we will go home. Think the key is to find a class that she loves.
Active means good, healthy! Also intelligent. I think she needs more stimulating physical activities such as gym classes, swimming classes and plenty of outdoor. You are not alone my little boy is the same. And it drives me uo the wall too. Lol
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Yea i was also thinking since ur lo.is active then should try smthing more active such as sports related or gym. Or maybe swimming, baking, or even kids zumba classes?
mine cant focus too so i withdrew him from such courses..!u can consider gym in that case :)