I'm thinking of piercing my left nostril because according to Ayurvedic medicine, this can help boost fertility. Anyone heard of this before?

Alternatively, you can purchase clearblue digital ovulation test kits. It will tell you (using indicator of smiley face/no face) when is the best 2 days to intercourse during LH surges, i.e. most fertile period. So far, I have 2 friends who used this ovulation kits and managed to conceive in short period. This is more expensive than ovulation strips but they are far more accurate than strips one. If your mense is quite regular, you can purchase 7-test kits set instead of 20-test kits set. There another device which is more advanced is clearblue digital monitor which costs more than $300. This is more accurate as it will help you to plot a graph and identify the best time to intercourse to increase the chance of getting pregnant. I have used this one and successfully conceived my second baby after 1 cycle of tracking only.
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Err, it's my first time hearing this as well. From a scientific point of view, nose piercings do not affect fertility in any way. It's about as effective as touching magic fertility rocks or trees. You could try piercing your left nostril, or these other methods: http://sg.theasianparent.com/help-to-conceive-your-child/
Read moreDoes it really? I know a couple who's been trying for ages and the wife has a nose piercing. Not too sure whether it's the left or the right nostril. That being said, if you're keen to try then why not? But it's not something I'd do myself be it for fertility or fashion.
No uncommon in India. In many communities piercing nostril at time of puberty is common as one of the things that regulates menstrual cycles and boosts fertility. But always thought of it as a cultural practice never took it very seriously. Now I am intrigued. :)
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It is said our left nostril corresponds to female reproductive system in acupuncture in Ancient Indian traditions. No harm trying it out, you can treat it as a fashion statement :)
Since there is no scientific proves, why not seek help from fertility doctors? Prof. PC Wong from NUH is a very popular fertility gynae. I have at least 3 friends conceived under him.
i don't think that works. What works is looking out for clear, slippery mucus days which are the most fertile days in the cycle.
Interesting to know! For us in Sg, the girls do it for vanity reasons though..... do share!
ha ha , piercing nostril -- boosts fertility - can't stop laughing