Sub patient A1 room??
Hi all, im a subsidised patient under KKH but husband wants me to take A1 ward for when after i give birth as he wants to be by my side till i check out and the rest if the wards dont allow husbands to stay. I initially disagreed as it costs 500+ and i feel that it’s a waste of money, but he insists as he is scared, i have asthma & quite a bad sinus & i might have my asthma attack at night or i might be down with sinus or i will be tired and baby might need care at night. So i dont know, should i listen to him or should i just tell him there will be nurses around? I am not so sure as this is my first. He means well, and he has saved up quite alot for baby and me but i was hoping to save on hospital bills so we can spend more on baby. And i would like him to get more rest as he has taken leave for the whole 44 days while im on ‘pantang’ and im already feeling bad cause he will have to take care of me and baby instead of hiring a confinement nanny. What should i do? What should my hubs do? 😔

Aww that's really sweet of your husband. He must be very excited to welcome your first and be a daddy and be there by your side. From what I read from many mums who gave birth in KKH that you will not be confirm to get an A1 ward if you opted for that. But hey, don't worry about you getting tired and all that. That's what the nurses are for. Of course your baby will room in with you if you want to but you can always ask them to take your baby back to the nursery room so you can rest. Trust me I'm a mum of 5 and your husband needs to rest to. Atleast for now while you're in the hospital. Your baby will be up every 1-3 hrs/day. At home he can help to look after even for the night feed which will be very exhausting. Don't even worry about being alone in the maternity ward cos you're not. The nurses will come over every now and then to check on you and when you don't feel well, let them know. Know for first baby usually the labour will be long. By then your husband will be exhausted from the waiting too. My 2 cents though. Yes, money can always be earn back but not health. Both of your health are priority as you both need to care for a baby later on. Also remember you can spend the money that he has saved up on something else. Having a baby is expensive. The diapers and all and when baby is sick (selisih!). Don't think about now. Think about later on too. In case emergency. Also once you upgrade, your after birth checkups in the KKH will also be under ptv, the same for your baby.
Read moreI’m a subsidised patient in Kkh I just give birth 29 Oct 2021. I initially plan to take A1 ward but during admission the staff explained to me if I pay the price for A1 ward I might not get it if the A1 ward is full after deliver baby. After that I continue as subsidised patient. My husband only managed to stay with me at delivery room. If you know when you will be giving birth and you know that you will have high chance to stay at A1 ward then you continue with your plan because if A1 full they put you in B1 ward which your husband can’t stay over and you paying for A1 price. You have to make choices during admissions because you can’t down grade after you upgrade .
Read moreit feels nice to have such a supportive husband and I feel that you should let him take care of you cos you wouldn't know what might happen and especially when it is your first. money can always be earned back but not health. he probably would still feel uneasy and cannot sleep when he's not with you too so I don't think he will "get more rest" and even more draining on his mental health when he has to worry about you without being physically by your side. I would definitely want my hubs to be w me during my labour and throughout the stay in the hosp. just my 2 cents worth.
Read moreMy hubby wanted A1 too so he can take care of me and baby but there's nurses and doctors in the hospital so baby and mummy will be well cared for. But like the others mentioned, money can be earned. Both parents are responsible for the baby so there's no need to feel bad. Your husband is sweet and trying to do the best for you and baby. the postpartum care needs to be well taken care of too! Just take some time to think through and decide what's best for all. At the end of the day, we parents try to save as raising a baby isn't cheap.
Read moreThat’s a nice husband! Dun worry mummy, actually all patients are being care for at kkh, regardless of your class. I downgraded from class A to class C at kkh due to complications but the care that i received was not downgraded. Just that hubby cannot stay with u in the ward. Imo, just go along with your husband. You and the baby are important to him and he wants to be around and ensure you are fine. There’s a cost calculator on kkh website for different class labour. U may want to check that to estimate the cost
Read moreYou are one lucky girl indeed my love to have such a protective n loving husband. My advice is that you save the money take b class ward. There will be other ladies around who have just given birth as well as nurses. He can stay with you in the day time only, night he go home .You ask him have his rest cause once baby is at home you need to take turn to rest n feed baby. Baby will feed every 2 to 3 hrs day n night. Take care my love
Read moreThat’s really sweet and thoughtful of your husband. I think having your hubby by your side after delivery is important for emotional support and much more assuring. At least he will be there for you when you need him. Sometimes nurses may be too busy to attend to you. On the other hand, this gives him a piece of mind too knowing that you are safe and sound.
Read moremoney can be earn back as long as both of you are healthy. You're lucky because your husband is responsible and want to share responsibility for taking care of you and your baby.Let him be,don't be guilty over money. life is hard but this kind of moment is precious than material things.
my husband and i are considering doing the same. as for your case, its so nice to know that your husband wants to be there by your side. dont feel bad when your husband have you in mind and cares for you. in fact, let him know how much you appreciate him and his love towards you and family.
Awww soooo sweet my husband keep telling me to stay within costs for 2 nights only I need spend sooo much is his logic ahahah. Personally I don’t mind cause me and my hubby share the same thinking. But it’s still sooo nice to hear that hubby wanna take care of baby that’s sooo sweet.