3 Replies

hmm.. I think each baby will react differently to different brands (e.g. due to taste or perhaps baby is sensitive etc). I have a friend who supplemented her breastfeeding with formula. She had to try a few different brands before finding one that her baby takes to. For her, because she only started having both breast milk and formula milk when baby is past 6 months old, she was able to get samples from the various brands. If I'm not mistaken, most companies do not offer sample for stage 1 formula (but you can try contacting them to request for it I suppose). Here's the link for Enfamil: http://www.enfagrow.com.sg/get-your-free-sample-now-sg

Hi mummy, I cant ans whether enfamil is good for weight gain. However, my children were on partial enfamil when they were young. They gradually began to be on 95 percentile of their weight and height so that is good for me. Do you have any friends whose baby is drinking enfamil? able to take 2 feeds from her to try coz pd or the company don give out sample pack for so young bb. They are encouraging breastmilk. Also, check if u have fed her semi solid coz some children rej milk once they have tasted semi solid food. Some of the milk powder taste differently when mixed with the semi solid.

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