I'm not feeling well and doc prescribe me medications that are breastfeeding friendly... should I pump n throw or could I feed my LO?

I will still pump and throw. Becos i double clarify with the doc who said the med will be safe for the child. Most docs i met will tell me the baby may absord a little but is not harmful. as i do have extra supply, I will dump the few packs away. although is a pity but I just feel better that way. Nevertheless, my friends did assure me that it's alright with doc justification. Don't worry, you are doing well!
Read moreAs you have mentioned, it is breastfeeding friendly, so you can continue to feed baby. For me, I will normally try to tahan without medication until really no choice then I will take medicine. In fact, our bodies will already have produced anti-bodies before we even know it and this is actually good for our babies. Relax and rest well.
Read moreWhen u handle your LO when you are unwell, best to wear a mask over, try not too near face contact with ur LO. It got nothing to do with medicine or breastmilk. Instead there is more antibodies for her too. As long doc say it's breastfeeding safe, can feed her :)
If your doc said they are breastfeeding friendly, then why would you need to pump and dump? I would think that the definition of breastfeeding friendly would be that the medications are safe to continue breastfeeding.
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I usually don't pump and throw if doctor certificated that they are breastfeeding safe but still it's at your own comfort level to feed. But if I am a latching mama, I don't see a need to dump (=
If doc says its breastfeeding friendly then it should be fine to take the medicine and breastfeed. You can google the medicine online to reconfirm if it's safe for breastfeeding mums.
Of cos you can still feed. As mentioned by you earlier that doctor prescribed medications that are breastfeeding friendly so it would mean u can feed baby and it won't affect much.
do you have a cold? here are some alternatives that you can try that are breastfeeding friendly that you could use! http://kellymom.com/bf/can-i-breastfeed/meds/cold-remedy/
Download 'Lactmed' from the App Store to double check if medications are bf friendly or not. If yes, no need to pump and dump.