5 Weeks Pregnant & Sakit Bawah Perut

Hi. I'm new here n i'm pregnant first child. Nak tanya.. Is it normal or abnormal if ada rasa sakit bawah perut time pregnant?

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normal kot, sebb dlu selalu rasa sakit. kadang2 rasa tegang mcm sakit senggugut. but now dah 11 weeks. dah okay cuma cramp kdg2

sy pon rase bnde yg tp mse 5week.. tp ni da 5week6days x rase pulak.. tp da start xnk mkn n mual..

5y ago

biasa tu same here now day when wan to have breakfast and lunch not feel wanna eat

Thanks all for sharing with me. Really appreciate it. Now i feel no more worry😘😘😘

pernah jugak tanya doc, doc kata normal. lagi2 1st pregnancy kan. rahim nak membesar.

VIP Member

I feel the same. Mcm i ada tambahan. I tak boleh buang air besar. Sakit gila nak buang

5y ago

sama lah. Selalu dlu ok je buang.

Mybe normal..i feel the same too...and makin lama sakit tu akn kurang sndri...

VIP Member

idk.. but i don't feel any pain when I'm 5wk .. why don't you go to hospital to confirm ...

Same here. But ada masa la dia cramp. Sometimes okay je. Have a smooth pregnancy!

sy pown kadang2 sakit, skrng da 13week. maybe normal kot

saya pon mcm toe jgak....ada yg cakap normal...