2 Replies

Hi there, mummy! Congrats on your new arrival soon to come. Your post made me smile as I had the exact same issue when I was pregnant with my second baby. There are a few things that could help you... 1. Eat a well balanced diet. Especially the meal before when you know you give into your sweet cravings. If you tend to snack in the night, then make sure your dinner is substantial. Which includes a healthy dose of carbs. 2. Swap the carbs for wholegrain options. I found that when I ate rice, I didn't crave too much sweet stuff. But I made sure I ate brown rice and not the starchy white rice. If you only like white rice, try basmati or ponni rice. Both are available in regular supermarkets. 3. Don't starve yourself of all sweet foods. I found that when I tried to stay away from sweets completely, I ended up binging on chocolate later in the day. So I treated myself to small amounts of fruit and sometimes a small square of dark chocolate when I really craved it. And I had it right after the meal so I felt really content with my meal. Hope these tips help.

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