6 Replies

By 3rd tri you should be sleeping on your sides preferably the left side but it's okay if you unknowingly slept on your back when you're asleep. Sleeping on your left side allows for optimal blood flow to your baby and also takes the pressure off your liver and your kidneys. This means more room to function properly, helping with swelling issues in your hands, ankles, and feet. Once you've noticed that you slept on your back, change your position to the left side.


I didn't know about the position I only want to feel comfortable I can't sleep both side at all only can on my back if I sleep side ways my baby will box or kick me. my baby is healthy and heavy. sometimes really not our choicr

VIP Member

Yes, try to sleep on your sides when you can. Sometimes I will turnover to my back too and once I realise that, I will switch to my sides. Can put a pillow behind your back to stop yourself from turning onto your back

Hope these links re useful for you: https://community.theasianparent.com/q/tips-for-sleeping-on-side/2607086 https://community.theasianparent.com/q/sidekicks-sleeping-on-the-side/2583801

before 20 weeks still ok but after 20 weeks should sleep on your side and preferably left side so that more blood flows to baby for better growth

VIP Member

Yes it’s extremely harmful and could cause a stillbirth. Pls move to sleeping on side

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