Dental Visit During 3rd Trimester
I'm having severe toothache and I'm in week 36, is it safe if I need an extraction?

If you have pain or swelling, you might need immediate treatment. At 36 weeks, one concern is that, it might be difficult for you to lie on your back when your tooth is being extracted. Don't worry too much about side effects - if it's an emergency and needs to be done, your doctor will carefully monitor the use of any antibiotics or pain medications.The consequences of not treating an infection during pregnancy outweigh the possible risks of the medications used during dental treatment.
Read moreIf it's a dental emergency, and the tooth needs to be extracted it doesn't matter which trimester you are on, even though ideally, the best time would have been in the second trimester. Removing an infected or damaged tooth as soon as possible is better for your health and the health of your baby. It might be a little uncomfortable to lie on your back or recline while having your tooth pulled out though.
Read moreEven if you went, they wouldnt be able to do anything much but clean your teeth for you, i was pregnant around that week too and has a wisdom tooth pain that was unbearable. Didnt had a choice cause going to give birth soon, hence they only did cleaning on my teeth and mentioned to come back after giving birth.
Read moreim having severe toothaache too im also 36 weeks pregnant .. so last day i went to the dentist and ask to extract my tooth bcuz of so much pain every night .. and now no more toothaches! for me its safe dis time, since the bby is fully developed already .
You need to have an approval from your OB and need to have this presented to the dentist .. that's if the dentist will accept it .. since having extraction during pregnancy is very risky .. especially that they will be using anesthesia
I just went to the dentists the other day. I'm also 36 weeks. They also couldn't extract my aching wisdom tooth and just gave me pain relievers instead and told me to come back after giving birth.
Been having severe tooth decay too just since i became pregnant and now its been hurting for a week. My obgyne never approved so she just gave me anti biotics and paracetamol :(
better go to national dental center because they carry special medication for pregnant lady. outside clinic dont know carry the medicine or not.
Dentist usually will not accede to your request during 3rd trim. You may want to try your luck asking.
Your dentist should be able to advise you ...It should be fine, hope all goes well!
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