when you check in, they will first clear your bowel. so the nurse will be insert some laxative pump thingy into your butt which is a little uncomfortable.. after that wear your operating gown, go to operating theatre. then anesthesia doc will will inject on your hand which is a little painful then put in the drip. when done, he will ask you to sit up and inject the epidural. after epidural take effect then the insert the urine bag. when baby is born the skin moment is only for a short while then the baby will go with the father for checking while you are having stitches.. you will see the baby at general ward after that. lol my c sec in 2 days time..zz
I've 2 csec at MountE orchard😊( 2019 and 2021) nurse will insert urine bag after csec before sending you back to war's yes, u will have skin time with baby after they check n clean up baby at ops theatre nurse will bring baby to you during feeding time.