10 Replies

Hi mummy, I'm going into my 7th month of pregnancy, but I can remember how incredibly anxious I felt at 4 months. I did buy the handheld doppler and tried to pace myself - how frequently it's being used because I worry it may affect bb. I video recorded the sound of bb's heartbeat and relied on that (and bb's sonogram) to pull me through some of the anxieties I had with medical complications and duration between obgyn visits. I also journalled almost daily, like I'm writing to bb and gonna gift it to her when she's older. The doppler can be misleading, esp. the numbers (heartrate) on the device and some other sounds might be mistaken for heartbeat. When I do it myself, I can't seem to get a heartbeat, but my husband could. I felt guilty when I had to use the doppler because I worried about the effects on bb, and at the same time, I was doing it to reassure myself. Hence, why I tried to focus on other things like journaling, focus on health, de-stress, and see old sonogram pics. So eventually, after about 4 uses, I stopped using it and fast forward, already in the final trimester. If you're considering getting it, I would encourage you to be mindful of your usage and its impact on you and bb. Congrats on month 4, and I hope we all have a smooth pregnancy!

Hi! Just an advice.. coming from a highly anxious person.. I personally didn’t buy a fetal monitor as I feel that I will make things worst if I have that monitor and I can’t detect the heart beat haha. I always tell myself, if this baby is meant for me, everything will go smoothly. Always think positive! Happy positive mummy = happy baby! But of course, when something feels really different, I will monitor and head to the emergency care to get myself checked. Otherwise, I just tell myself to enjoy the journey 😀 But if you think a fetal monitor will make you feel more reassured then go ahead and get one! May everything goes smoothly for you and your baby!

I had 2 pregnancy loss before finally conceived with the 3rd one. During the 3rd pregnancy I told myself if it is meant to be, baby will arrive safely. I let go of all the worries (it is hard but keep practising bit by bit), do activities and eat food that makes me happy. The point here is there are always 2 sides to everything - the monitor may help to give assurance for some but can also cause even more unnecessary stress for some other. Only you know your own personality the best - do what makes u comfortable

I’m a iPhone user with AirPods, seen a ig reel on using live listen and I’ve tried to hear my baby through the live listen function and it works but not very good. You might get extra anxious too if you can’t locate your baby’s heartbeat takes a bit of practice.

hello, I got the monitor for my first pregnancy, but it doesn't seem like working well, 😕 I feel is a waste of money even I got the better version. just go for normal check up, is sufficient. no worries 👍

Yes I bought it and it really helps me a lot from being paranoid. Very reassuring. I got the brand “Angel Sound” they can be detected really early.


anxious throughout as well... but dont think heart beat monitor absolutely necessary tho

I bought it and use it once a week or so just to stop me from being worried.

im using it.. but if i get really worry i go to jb and check up there..

kawsa clinic 7, Jln Perjiranan 4/6, Bandar Dato Onn, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia

for me, i bought it, and it gave me peace of mind...

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