I'm a first time breastfeeding mum. My Daughter is currently 2 months old. All these while I have been direct latching her , yesterday I tried to introduce bottle to her but to no avail. As I'm returning back to work end of this month, I need her to get used to bottle feeding. Any suggestions on how to get her to feed through bottle? Should I stop direct latching her too? Currently I'm using Comotomo bottle on her. And is it safe to consume collagen supplements / drinks while breastfeeding?

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If you want to continue direct latching baby when you are home, get someone else to feed the bottle. Mummy shouldn't be near when baby is being fed bottles as they can smell that we are around. If you want to stop direct latching altogether, stop latching and get someone else to feed the bottle until she is used to it then you can try to give bottles. It will be better if you bring the collagen supplements/drinks to the doctor and ask if the ingredients are safe. There are many types of collagen supplements/drinks in the market, some are safe and some are not. Best to ask for professional advice.

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