
I've been breastfeeding my son via direct latching and nothing else since day 1 until now, almost 4 months. People been commenting that I should pump and feed him via bottle. People been asking me to teach him to drink my milk via bottle. Should I? Cos my heart insist to stay just direct latching. Is it wrong for me to not teach my son to drink via bottle? I'm confused. I'm a first time mum and also a sahm.

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Hey mum, if you are comfortable with dl, don't worry about using a bottle. Direct latching is a way to ensure that there is no contamination of the milk. You don't have to worry about expressing, storing, sterilising the bottles, and all the work that comes with expressed feeds! That said, it is always advisable to keep a small freezer stash. Keep about 2-3 days feed frozen in breastmilk freezing bags in case you have to go away or are unable to feed the baby for some reason. Hope this helps!

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If you are a stay at home Mum I advice direct latching till 6 months. There is no urgent need to start pumping or getting off the breast right now, especially if your Son seems happy.

You don't need to express and store as long as you are home with baby and can nurse on demand. keep direct latching!