I'm facing some finance difficulties. My husband lost his job after his injury. I'm the only one working and supporting here and there.. Including his daughter from previous marriage. I havent had the chance to buy anything for myself and the baby that is coming in Jan. I have wipe up my savings and salary. I skipped one of my appointment. And have been owning Kk some bills. My next appt is Tuesday, and i know i wont have enough to pay. Can i still ask them send me the bill.... What should i do... Im so upset and depressed.

Hi, I am really sorry to read what all you have been going through. Hope, hard times get over for you. I think the foremost thing that you can do, which comes without money is, stop being stressed as it is anyway not solving anything, rather if you continue to be one, it can add to problems. You know, how important it is for a pregnant woman to be happy. Remember that your stress is travelling to your baby. So, be happy, because this is the only thing that can make the situation little better. I suggest, take little support from your family. Ask your husband if there is any way that his family can support you guys for sometime, or any of the friends who can help you financially and you can pay them back after sometime. Figure out whether you can take your salary in advance,as there is provision in some offices where you can withdraw your alarm in advance as well. Hard times come to everybody's life, and at such hour firstly you have to got to believe in yourself and secondly in front of whom you can open up your heart is your family and friends. So, do not feel any inhibition and talk to your family or friends. And then you can have a follow up and can discuss the financial aspect with your doctor as well, and how he can help your case. Keep the faith, all will be fine.
Read moreFirst of all kudos to you dear for staying strong. There are many help available. The social service office and even the family service center. They are able to provide the needed assistance upon assessment of your situation. With regards to the kkh bill, yes you can still ask them to send it to your house. Make an appt with the MSW. They can even waive of 100% of the bill once again based on assessment. The help available, monetary, vouchers, coupons, milk, pampers and even food rations. This is based on my personal experience. Hope it would ease you a little.
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