I'm delivering thru c sect soon and feeling nervous abt it. My gynae sounded like it's nothing as she said both ways (natural/c-sect) also will just b as painful. Everytime I asked her abt the c-sect procedure, she would sound like it's no big deal, over quite fast, simple with very little details given to me. I'm a first time mum and I really know nothing and is concern if I can manage pain and the wound aft that. Perhaps my gynae has done it so much that she is numb to it but not me. I hear alot of scary story abt it. Hope to hv better understanding of a c-sect delivery.

Hi there, i also gave birth via elective c-sect and can understand the nervous feeling that you are talking about. In the end, i had the c sect 2 days earlier as i was worried from baby not moving enough so it was really a pretty fast episode - but not an emergency because baby was moving enough after all. The whole procedure is done in less than 30 min and you wont be able to see anything much at all. Before the procedure, they will ask u about ur medical history, then the nurse will shave for you and then have you changed and then you lie on the bed, wait to be wheeled into th room,. The anaesthetic will be administered as a jab at the spinal area (doesn't hurt), they hook you up to some monitor, then they put the partition cloth to block your view and hen the c sect starts. The doc will mark a cut in the bikini area and when ready, there will be someone who will press on your upper stomach (like where ur diaphragm is) while the doctor pull the baby out - 2-3 of these and baby is out. U will feel the heavy weight pressing and soon hear your Bay cry. Then they will quickly prepare baby to put baby on your chest (if husband is in the room, he is only in the room when baby about to be push/pull out and then take photo with u and baby on u. Then the doctor will continue "working" on you and nurses attend to the baby, then soo n you will be wheeled to the waiting area prior to going to your room That was my experience at TMC. So i guess there wont be too much variation from there. There is no pain at all during the procedure. U may feel your first few pees a bit hard to control the flow and a little wobbly on ur legs when you go to the toilet but no pain. There are pain killers given so if you scared, you can just ask for a stronger one ad then take 1 or 2 times and then that should be about it. It's over in a flash but longer recovery than normal birth. The wound will have a dressing over it which u are not suppose to do anything to it anyway - until you go back for your doctors review in about a week. Wearing a binder (hospital will have) will help hold the wound in and help in the healing and pain if any Congrats in advance
Read moreHi big hugs! Think of the baby whom you will see soon. All the pain will be worth it. In fact for c sect there is no pain involved at all during the procedure and it is all over within 30mins. I had an emergency c sect by the way. Your Gynae is right that both ways c sect or natural there is going to be some pain after delivery. It is not called labour for nothing :) people have different pain threshold so I am not sure how's yours. For natural the episotomy and tear may be very bad that the wound takes longer to heal. But it may also be a first degree tear which will still be pain but heal quickly. Personally I was feeling very nauseous after my op, so nauseous that I rejected skin to skin contact as I was afraid to puke on baby. But I have always been someone who is scared of puking. The pain did not kick in till 1 day later for me as epidural was still in effect. I started getting down to walk on the second day afternoon. Be mentally prepared it is going to hurt but it is tolerable. You can buy a compression belt (mine is the brand Dale) to wear over the wound to support the muscles around the wound so that you won't feel so much pain when you move. For the first one to two weeks I was feeling quite pain especially when you have to get up to bf and even doing simple things like wearing my panties for the first few days I can't do properly. I resorted to using a clothes hanger to hook my panty up to wear lol. And my dad got me this thing for picking up things from the floor (it is like those toy picker you can get from toysrus) Anyway pls relax and go with the flow. At least it is elective c sect so you can mentally prep yourself first. Just rem no pain no gain and I can promise you that within two weeks time the pain won't be bothering you anymore. Anyway the first few days I took painkillers which are safe even if you bf. Good luck!
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