it my 1st baby

im already 6 weeks,is it normal i got fever every evening..?,felt dizzines,hungry but lose appetite..

13 Balas
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Tulis jawapan

it is normal symptoms dear .. same with me morning fine I can go to office and do my work as usual but after office hour vomit and fever coming 🤦🤦🤦 ....

5y ago

btw congratulations .. take care of your self and baby okey

same lah..petang start pening dah sampai ke malam..berat gile kepale.. pastu selera makan lgsung xde.. tgk makanan xde nikmat dah

5y ago

yeah..i feel u😢..its a horrible feeling ever

me too 6 weeks .. today . same illness but being sick in the morning most of the time . dizziness I have too

u may snack in between, dun be hungry. healthy snack maybe thats why dizzy. fever..better ask doc.

5y ago

yeah.. i will,thanks dear

VIP Member

I know I was preggy when I'm 13wk pregnant..😂 and I forgot how I was when I'm 6wk..

Its normal on 1st trimester.. Me also same heavy fever for 1 week more.. Be strong mummy

5y ago

thanks dear..

normal dear.. hormone xbalance during preggy. mcm2 benda boleh jdi. get well soon..

5y ago

tq dear..its maybe bcoz of unbalance hormone

Certainly some like this but not all the same truly yaa mommy 😁

Yes. I experienced the same during my first trimester last time😅

5y ago fever on& off..

kalau demam, better jumpa doc. bimbang effect baby.

5y ago

already jumpa doc..tengs dear