20 Balas

yup its normal..but then again it depends on ur body size i guess..my sil is petite but when she was 4 months preggy her baby bump was like 6 months and currently im 5months preggy but my stomach also small..im quite chubby..but u dont have to think much about it mommy..as long as the doc said u n ur baby is ok then it should be fine..enjoy every moment of this pregnancy journey 😊

Normal. Sy dlu ketara nmpk bla dh 8bulan lebih. Tp mungkin mmg stail perut kecil sb masa nk bersalin pun orang xpercaya dah smpai masa. Yang penting, perkembangan bayi di dalam tu normal. Kalau dr luar xkisah sgt ☺️😊

Same here.. Im in my 6th month.. But ppl used tell me my baby bump look like 4month.. Its depends on mommies body i guess.. As long doc say ur baby is in normal sized.. We no need to worried about it..

samalah dgn sy. ramai org ingat mcm 3 bulan padahal dah 6 bulan. kawan2 pun tak perasan yg sy mengandung sbb badan sy kecik. so skrg sy struggle nak naikkan berat badan sbb cepat sakit dada.

Sama la, saya dah 7 bulan ++, asal pergi kk nurse selalu cakap "keciknya perut" padan dengan tuan. Ok, nasib padan dengan tuan. matching ☺

Its normal sis.. Ikut badan masing2. I'm 6 month also my stomach look small and make people confius.. Hehe

saya pun baru first baby.. perut pun kecik ag.. walaupn dh msok 6bulan

normal tu.skarang sy da 38minggu 4hari.og ingat mcm 7bln prot.tak nmpk mcm da ckup bulan..

VIP Member

normal, kalau badan kecik mmg perut tak nampak kot. hihi

normal.. org kata kalau first preggy mmg tak nmpk sgt perut

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