Frequent sneezing
I’m at my 7th week. I have sinus and I notice I have been sneezing more often daily during this week. Will this have any effect to the baby? I’m just super worried bcz this is my first pregnancy. #firsttimemom #firstbaby #advicepls

Not effect to the baby but the medicine that you take for sinus may effect u and the baby. Please consult your doctor for advise ya. I also have sinus, but during my pregnancy, there's no sinus attack. I read an article some anti histamine pill effects some pregnant lady and breastfeeding mom.
i cough 2 months when my prgncny just about 10 weeks. I seek for advse from the doctor and they said it wouldnt affect the baby. as for sinus i think its better for you to get the advce from yr dctor first and take the medicine prescribed. dont simply take any pills bcause it might affect the baby .
Baca lagiyour baby is not going to be affected by sneezing or coughing or any light illness. But, you have to seek for doc's advice before taking any medicine. Yes, medication do effect the baby.
Refer to your doctor before taking any meds