9 Replies


Some pregnant women suffer hair loss during and immediately after giving birth. Best to use organic shampoo. I used organic tree bark shampoo from Philippine called gugo and it helped a lot

VIP Member

Hi... you might wanna try some of the remedies suggested in this article https://sg.theasianparent.com/6-natural-remedies-for-postpartum-hair-loss

I’m using wowo shampoo. My friend’s sister has been using it from the day she gave birth. She says it helps her.

Hey, This happens. I suggest cut your hair shorter, it will help

Can msg me. Would suggest you change your hair product 😊

VIP Member

Do cut your hair above the shoulders, you'll see the difference (:

I cut shoulder length le :(

Super Mum

It's normal.. it will be back to normal soon

Cut ur hair shorter. It's helps

Use the biosys hair tonic on your scalp every-day after shower. It reduces my hairfall a lot after my confinement.

It’s normal during pregnancy But pls consult ur gynae

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